
Shopping in every city is a journey through its creativity, craftsmanship, and style. These aren’t just stores—they’re places where you can discover something truly unique, a piece of the city’s identity that you can take home with you.

From artisanal markets to chic boutiques: browse, shop, and let the city’s retail treasures tell their own story.


Barnes & Noble

33 E 17th St, New York, NY 10003

A book lover’s paradise. Lose yourself in the stacks of this multi-level bookstore, a haven for bibliophiles in the heart of the city.

© Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble

Dover St. Market

160 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10016

This cutting-edge fashion retailer is known for its avant-garde architecture and interior design. Located in Murray Hill, the seven-story space was transformed by Rei Kawakubo into a conceptual, experiential shopping destination. Each floor is filled with unique, creative installations that blend fashion and art.

© GrandLife Hotels

Dover St. Market

Strand Bookstore

828 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

Established in 1927, Strand Bookstore is renowned for its extensive collection of new, used, and rare books, boasting « 18 miles of books ». Located in the East Village, it has been a haven for bibliophiles for nearly a century.

© Strand Bookstore

Strand Bookstore

Tannen’s Magic Shop

45 W 34th St #608, New York, NY 10001

A whimsical emporium of illusions. Discover a world of magic tricks, props, and books in this historic shop, a favorite among magicians.

© Tannen’s Magic Shop

Tannen’s Magic Shop

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